About us

Aassociation “Laiks Jauniešiem”

Registration number: 40008293617
Latest statute (01.11.2021.): HERE
Information from the company register website: HERE
Public benefit organization status: HERE
informative presentation of “Laiks Jauniešiem” HERE

The association “Laiks Jauniešiem” was founded on December 16, 2019, when three brothers – Gints, Mārtiņš and Raimonds decided to unite in a youth organization to provide essential support in non-formal education for children and young people.

Our goals:

  • Promote favorable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people, promoting the full development of their personality, helping them integrate into society and promoting their initiative and participation in the decision-making process;
  • To popularize a healthy lifestyle and sports among children, young people and other residents of Latvia, to improve their moral, spiritual and physical growth;
  • Provide assistance to families, people with functional disabilities and single pensioners by organizing various charity events;
  • Organize seminars, trainings, individual member consultations, camps and other practical and theoretical classes for different target groups, including using non-formal education methods;
  • Promote the participation of young people in the civil society, strengthening the democratic environment in Latvia;
  • Promotion and organization of voluntary work in the society, actualizing its importance in the society.

The association “Laiks Jauniešiem” has been granted the status of a public benefit organization from 11.03.2020, decision no. 30.6-8.71/36288, in the field of activity development of civil society

The association “Laiks Jaunietsim” is included in the list of youth organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science from 06.12.2021, decision no. 9-1.3/21/7. List of youth organizations: https://www.izm.gov.lv/lv/media/16463/download?attachment

The association “Laiks Jauniešiem” representing the interests of children and young people is represented in the board of the association “Bauskas rajona lauku partnerība”. Our organization has nominated Gints Jankovskis, chairman of the board of the “Laiks Jauniešiem” society, to the board.

The association “Laiks Jauniešiem” has been accepted as an associate member in the Latvian Youth Council. We will represent the interests of our members and other children and young people in a national organization.

The association “Laiks Jauniešiem” together with the Association “Jaunatne smaidam” and “Mums pieder pasaule” have merged into the Association “Bauskas novada jaunatnes organizāciju partnerība” in order to ensure even more qualitative and effective work with young people.

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