Laiks Jauniešiem

Promotion of informal education for young people – trainings, courses, seminars, charity, voluntary work and other types of activities in order to provide full support to children and young people of various social groups, namely, integration into society, as well as raising civic activity of society. Our goal is to find an individual approach to each child and young person in order to make a significant contribution to personal development.


The team consists of young and experienced specialists of the industry who know the specifics of their work and are ready to pass on their knowledge

Personalized solutions

An individual approach to each young person, we provide an opportunity for young people from different social groups to open up and find the right path to promote growth


To promote favorable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people, promoting the full development of their personality, helping them to integrate into society

Membership fees

Membership in the organization has no hidden costs – it is provided free of charge

Scheduled and past events


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